Aegis-Class MkIII Terran Dreadnought

One of the most closely guarded secrets in the galaxy, only signatories to the Terran Federation have access to the design specifications for the formidable Aegis-Class MkIII Dreadnought.

Eliminating the cargo holds of the MkII Terran battlecruiser and adding several additional  hull layers, the MkIII Terran dreadnought is the most densely packed engine of destruction of any battle fleet in the galaxy. Surpassed only by the mecha mobile-suit designs, no other heavy capital ship is able to pack the same amount of firepower onto a mobile weapons-platform and still manage a reasonably moderate speed.

Employing a uniquely compact hull design, the dreadnought is protected by layers of advanced armour plating overlaying several redundant hulls with extensively compartmentalized bulkheads. PDC emplacements riddle the surface, with powerful shield generators reinforcing the drive nacels, engineering, weapon magazines and other critical areas.

The offensive weapons are similarly impressive, with a turret of twin disruptor cannons forming the center-piece of a weapons suite that includes long-range standoff missiles, rail guns, mass drivers and ion cannons bristling across the hull.

While the class is the true ace-in-the hole for Terran warlords, it also represents a subtle danger. With only Terrans able to purchase the Production Facilities for the MkIII on a system in their empire, once production is established then any covetous warlord may be tempted to conquer the planet for the sole purpose of building dreanoughts for their own battle fleets.


  • Medium interstellar speed.
  • Ultra-Heavy Hull Plating, Shields and PDC.
  • Ultra-Heavy Weapons.
  • Zero cargo capacity.

Firepower:  36.47
AT#:  38
Accuracy:  70%
Collateral Damage:  0
Defence:  98
Speed:  90
Lift:  0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:

Retrofit Bandwidth:  1000 fm
PF Start-up Cost:  1000 Unobtanium
Base Price: 75
Retrofit Rig Max Queue:  5
Retrofit Rig Cargo Bulk:  100


Fully four times the size of a Xeon-class MkIV mecha, the Mecha-Kaiju is the corporeal avatar of a sentient AI, holding the undisputed title of most powerful single unit in the galaxy.

Each Mecha-Kaiju attracts a cult of followers drawn to the abject raw power of their deity. Fanatical legions of fodder swarm any opponents who threaten the object of their devotion in battle.

Vulnerable locations are reinforced with thick armor plating made of advanced materials beyond the understanding of mere organic minds.

Taken together, the Mecha-Kaiju is phenominally hard to destroy, and doing so merely displaces the AI consiousness until a backup can be loaded into a new corporial avatar.

The primary military weakness of the unit, and the horde of devotees that follow it, is the lumbering slowness that it moves through hyperspace. While few forces can stand against the onslaught of a Mecha-Kaiju, almost all can get out its way before it arrives.


  • Slow interstellar speed.
  • Ultra-Heavy hull plating and Ablative Armour.
  • Ultra-Heavy Weapons.
  • Zero cargo capacity.

Firepower:  50.99
AT#:  40
Accuracy:  65%
Collateral Damage:  3
Defence:  99
Lift:  0
Bandwidth:  4000 fm
PF Start-up Cost:  1250 UNOBTANIUM
Base Price: 475
Max Queue:  5

Nemesis-Class MkIII Battle Station

Falling somewhere between a Heavy Capital and Surface Assault unit, the MkIII Nemesis-Class is a retrofit of the MkII Heavy Cruiser that has replaced its warp drive and cargo holds in favour of heavy shielding and uptraded weapons for maximal destructive capabilities. Thus the MkII Nemisis possesses self-powered interstellar travel, but the MkIII does not, converting it into an orbital strike platform with devastating firepower.

The MkIII retrofit rig fits neatly by design into the limited cargo hold of the MkII, allowing the MkII Nemisis the capacity to transport itself to the target destination, then retrofit into the MkIII if it has access to friendly-controlled space dock facilities.

Alternatively the MkIII can retrofit at home as a defensive platform, or be transported by fleet carriers in an assault role much like a Surface Assault unit. In priciple this offers a certain advantage, as some fleet transports are able to travel faster than the lumbering MkII Nemisis.


  • Zero Interstellar Speed.
  • Ultra-Heavy Hull Plating, Shields and PDC.
  • Ultra-Heavy Weapons.

Firepower:  36.74
AT#:  30
Accuracy:  90%
Collateral Damage:  60
Defence:  98
Speed:  0
Cargo Bulk:  -200

Upgrade from Nemesis-Class MkII Heavy Cruiser:
Retrofit Bandwidth:  800 fm

PF Start-up Cost:  600 Unobtanium
Base Price: 160
Retrofit Rig Max Queue:  5

Retrofit Rig Cargo Bulk:  50

Xeon-Class MkIV Assault Mecha

Representing the pinnacle expression of mobile warfare in the galaxy, the Xeon-Class MkIV Assault Mecha manufactured by the trans-imperial Yamato Corporation is arguably the most potent machine of war ever created.

Embodying roughly the same physical attributes as the MkIII, the upgrades for the MkIV center around enhanced agility, mobility and fire control.

Frequently tasked with Bird-of-Prey picket squadrons and the Halcyon-Class MkIII fleet transports, a battle fleet centred around the Xeon MkIV represents the true interstellar application of terrestrial blitzkrieg doctrine.


  • Ultra-fast interstellar speed.
  • Ultra-Heavy Weapons.
  • Ultra-Heavy hull plating, shields.
  • AI-enhanced evasion.
  • Zero cargo capacity.

Firepower:  47.43
AT#:  50
Accuracy:  90%
Collateral Damage:  2
Defence:  98
Speed:  140
Lift:  0

Upgrade from Xeon-Class MkIII Heavy Mecha:
Retrofit Bandwidth:  4000 fm

PF Start-up Cost:  1000 Unobtanium
Base Price: 240
Retrofit Rig Max Queue:  1

Retrofit Rig Cargo Bulk:  50




A rough numeric composite of the unit’s combined offensive and defensive values according to a precise formula. On average, a unit with higher firepower will typically be better, but there are many circumstantial exceptions to this. Firepower is just a rough guide.


The number of attacks per round the unit gets. Each attack randomly targets a non-friendly unit present at the system.


The % chance each attack has of being on target and “hitting” the target, forcing the target to deflect the attack or be destroyed.


The number of production facilities destroyed by stray shots each attack.


The % chance that each on-target “hit” is deflected by the defender. Deflected “hits” are nullified to no effect. “Hits” that beat the Defence rating of the target destroy the target, no matter the size. Even the largest and most heavily protected units have vulnerabilities (watch out for those thermal exhaust ports.)

The Defence rating functions similar to “armour,” but is an abstract aggregate of all defensive measures combined, including armour, shields, evasion, camoflague, dodge, jamming, spoofing, point-defence, prescience and foul-language.


The number of Light Years a self-powered unit moves in a Standard Week.

Units with a zero Speed value have a negative Cargo Bulk value and must be carried to another star system by a fleet containing one or more units with a positive net Lift value.


The amount of Lift a unit requires to be transported from one star system to another. Cargo Bulk is always expressed as a negative number, while Lift is always expressed as a positive number.

A unit with Cargo Bulk has no Speed, and a unit with Speed has no Cargo Bulk.


Lift is the amount of Cargo Bulk a unit can carry while moving to another system within a fleet. A fleet’s net sum of Lift minus Cargo Bulk must be zero or positive for that fleet to leave the system.


Total production required to replicate the unit, expressed as weekly measures of Fabrication Moduel labour. A unit with 100 bandwith will require 100 Fabrication Moduels working for one week (one turn), or 50 Modules working two turns, or any combination of Modules working any combination of turns that add up to the required total.


A particular unit may only be replicated at a particular system if that system has set up a production facility for that unit. The cost listed is the one-time capital set-up cost, including training and infrastructure, necessary to enable replication of the unit in that system.

Production facility costs are borne by the particular system, are only required once, and once in place are considered permanently installed and may not be destroyed. Conquering a system captures all Production Facilities, which may immediately be used by the new controller.


This is the unobtanium price that the unit begins the game at. Current price each turn will fluctuate based on supply and demand pressure. Maximum (ceiling) and minimum (floor) prices for each unit are a function of the base price.


This is the maximum number of units that can be ordered in a system production queue at one time. An order for multiple units locks the price for all units in that order at the price at the time the order was locked, even if the market price of the unit fluctuates on subsequent turns before the full order is complete.


Sensors represent an abstract compliation of all passive and active intellligence gathering methods, augmented by advanced AI pattern detection algorithms. Sensors located at a system do the following:

  • Sensors detect the warp bubble of a fleet in flight if and only if the warp bubble is CBDR or CBIR (Constant Bearing Decreasing/Increasing Range) to or from the system the sensor is located at. Warp bubbles that are crossing targets are too faint to be detected by current technology.
  • Any fleets in flight within range to or from the system with the sensor will display the following information on the sensor report for each fleet within range: origin system, destination system, distance remaining.
  • Additional information, such as speed, may then potentially be deduced. No other information regarding the composition of the fleet is revealed.
  • Systems within range will be displayed on the empire galaxy map with a full report including ownership and a roster of units present, less any units with stealth.


If a unit has stealth it will be listed here. A unit with stealth will not be visible on the regular system display. Units with stealth in flight between systems need a warp bubble like any other unit, which can be detected by sensors normally. Sensors detect warp bubbles, not the ships directly, so stealth does not conceal interstellar movement since there is no way to conceal a warp bubble.