Aegis-Class MkI Terran Destroyer

The MkI Aegis-class destroyer is a marvel of Terran efficiency. With the tonnage of a heavy picket it is never-the-less rated by most analysts as a light capital: good speed, heavy hull plating and shields, full weapons spread and a significant cargo hold for fighter bays, ground troops and drop-ships. All engineered around a light hull design that is efficient and cheap to produce.

The only real drawback to the class is that it is a victim of its own success: warlords, mercenary squadrons, pirates and corporate security all favour the Terran destroyer, frequently driving up the cost on the open market.

For Terran empires the class gets even better. The MkI design permits extensive retrofits of the hull for upgrade to the more powerful MkII Aegis-class battlecruiser. In turn the battlecruiser can be retrofitted into the mighty MkIII dreadnaught, one of the most powerful interstellar capital ships in the galaxy. The secrets of retrofitting the MkII and MkIII are only known to Terran empires, though systems with production facilities already in place can be conquered and enslaved by other empires.

  • Moderate interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Medium cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.
Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Nemesis-Class MkI Medium Cruiser

The MkI Aegis-class destroyer is a marvel of Terran efficiency. With the tonnage of a light warship it is never-the-less rated by many analysts as a medium capital: good speed, heavy hull plating and shields, full weapons spread and a significant cargo hold for fighter bays, ground troops and drop-ships. All engineered around a light hull design that is efficient and cheap to produce.

The only real drawback to the class is that it is a victim of its own success: warlords, mercenary squadrons, pirates and corporate security all favour the Terran destroyer, frequently driving up the cost on the open market.

For Terran empires the class gets even better. The MkI design permits extensive retrofits of the hull for upgrade to the more powerful MkII Aegis-class battlecruiser. In turn the battlecruiser can be retrofitted into the mighty MkIII dreadnaught, one of the most powerful interstellar capital ships in the galaxy. The secrets of retrofitting the MkII and MkIII are only known to Terran empires, though systems with production facilities already in place can be conquered and enslaved by other empires.

  • Moderate interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Medium cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.
Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Nemesis-Class MkII Heavy Cruiser

The MkI Aegis-class destroyer is a marvel of Terran efficiency. With the tonnage of a light warship it is never-the-less rated by many analysts as a medium capital: good speed, heavy hull plating and shields, full weapons spread and a significant cargo hold for fighter bays, ground troops and drop-ships. All engineered around a light hull design that is efficient and cheap to produce.

The only real drawback to the class is that it is a victim of its own success: warlords, mercenary squadrons, pirates and corporate security all favour the Terran destroyer, frequently driving up the cost on the open market.

For Terran empires the class gets even better. The MkI design permits extensive retrofits of the hull for upgrade to the more powerful MkII Aegis-class battlecruiser. In turn the battlecruiser can be retrofitted into the mighty MkIII dreadnaught, one of the most powerful interstellar capital ships in the galaxy. The secrets of retrofitting the MkII and MkIII are only known to Terran empires, though systems with production facilities already in place can be conquered and enslaved by other empires.

  • Moderate interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Medium cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.
Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Xeon-Class MkI Light Mecha

The first in the Xeon line of mecha produced by the trans-imperial Yamato Corporation, the MkI is a well rounded, entry level mobile assault suit. Rated as a light capital, it can act as the flagship of small expeditionary forces for the subjugation of neutral systems or hinterland defence.

However the MkI is optimally deployed as the underlying chassis for the heavier and more powerful Mk II-IV mecas, widely recognized as some of the most formidable capitals currently deployed by any galactic warlord.

  • Rated equally for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Medium interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Above average weapons.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Chassis platform for upgrading to faster and heavier mecha.

>> 21.6 AT#  >>  20 Accuracy >> 70% Collateral Damage >> 0 Defence >> 97 Speed >> 100 LYW (light-years/week) Lift >> 120
Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkI Terran Destroyer:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Cost >> 400 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 100

Xeon-Class MkII Scout Mecha

The second in the Xeon line of mecha produced by the trans-imperial Yamato Corporation, the MkII is almost twice as fast as the MkI, making it the fastest true capital in the galaxy. Rated as a medium capital, the MkII mounts heavy armour plating and formidable weaponry on an agile, long range strike platform.

capable of folding a staggering 180 light-years in a single Standard Cycle, the MkII suit is ideal for deep strike missions or mobile reserve on empire defence. The unit is so fast it has difficulty working in larger fleet formations. MkII pilots are infamous for leaving picket and support units behind, finding themselves cut off and over-extended deep in enemy territory.

  • Rated equally for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Ultra-fast interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.

>> 21.6 AT#  >>  20 Accuracy >> 70% Collateral Damage >> 0 Defence >> 97 Speed >> 100 LYW (light-years/week) Lift >> 120
Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkI Terran Destroyer:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Cost >> 400 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 100