Bird-of-Prey Stealth Corvette

First developed by a sentient race of shape-changing xenomorphs, the Bird of Prey utilizes poorly understood techniques of gravitational lensing to bend ER radiation around the hull. This cloaking field makes the stealth corvette hard to target-lock and almost certain to get the drop on an adversary.

Classed as a picket, the stealth corvette falls into a narrow size band capable of cloaking. the platform must be large enough to mount and operate the lensing generator, putting it beyond the capacity of a heavy fighter.

Similarly many empires have attempted to adapt the cloaking lens to larger warships, but beyond very sensitive hull dimensions the lensing effect fails. The net effect is that lense cloaking has only been successfully deployed on light, corvette-class pickets. Research continues.

  • Fast interstellar speed.
  • Excellent hull plating and defensive evasion.
  • Above average weapons.
  • Zero cargo capacity.

Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Cerberus-Class Corsair

This corsair is a well balanced “jack-of-all-trades” multirole picket capable of fleet battle, surface invasions or logistical support.

Developed by a consortium of private security contractors to provide interstellar lift capacity to corporate clients, the “corsair” designation reflects the free-lance nature of the original design.

Intended as a launch platform for the MkIII Marauder power armour, the Cerberus is particularly effective when deployed in a combined-arms support roll for the Marauder.

  • Rated as an atmospheric drop-ship with moderate cargo capacity for surface invasions.
  • Medium interstellar speed.
  • Above average hull plating and shields.
  • Moderate weapons.
  • Linking fire control with at least one friendly MkIII Marauder at the same system effectively doubles the Cerberus rate of fire.
  • Excellent platform for subjugating neutral systems or small-scale raids into enemy hinterland.

Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Charon-Class Mass Driver

Outlawed by many sentient species, these weapons of mass destruction “drop” asteroid-sized masses down the gravity well from orbit, inflicting apocalyptic collateral damage on the target. 

Essentially an armoured tube with a massive rail-gun running through the center and warp drives tacked onto the end, the Charon-Class is equally effective in fleet engagements firing smaller, depleted isotope projectiles at enemy combat units.

Shields and PDC give it a formidible defensive rating, making it among the heaviest fleet pickets.

  • Slow interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating, shields and PDC.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.
  • Extremely high collateral damage.

Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Excalibur-Class Missile Frigate

Designed for a single purpose, the Excalibur-Class missile frigate is a pure skirmisher. Emphasizing speed and offence with the single-minded goal of getting in the first shot, not even a scrap of design afterthought has gone into defence.

Bristling with weapons on a skeletal frame, the Excalibur is little more than a powerful jump drive strapped to weapon launchers and magazines.

Packing a punch far above its weight class, several batteries of long range stand-off weapons give it a formidable first-strike capability in any engagement. Once the first salvo is away the ship is almost entirely defenceless, dependent on fleet pickets to keep it alive long enough to make subsequent salvos.

Excalibur crew tend to be very young or very old. Veterans of more than one engagement are rarer than water on dune. Huzzah!


  • Fast interstellar speed.
  • Zero hull plating or shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Powerful weapons.
  • Skirmisher: one free round of attacks before battle starts.
Firepower >> 10.95
AT#  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Hyperion-Class Mk I Strategic Bomber

Designed for a single purpose, the Excalibur-Class missile frigate is a pure skirmisher. Emphasizing speed and offence with the single-minded goal of getting in the first shot, not even a scrap of design afterthought has gone into defence.

Bristling with weapons on a skeletal frame, the Excalibur is little more than a powerful jump drive strapped to weapon launchers and magazines.

Packing a punch far above its weight class, several batteries of long range stand-off weapons give it a formidable first-strike capability in any engagement. Once the first salvo is away the ship is almost entirely defenceless, dependent on fleet pickets to keep it alive long enough to make subsequent salvos.

Excalibur crew tend to be very young or very old. Veterans of more than one engagement are rarer than water on dune. Huzzah!


  • Fast interstellar speed.
  • Zero hull plating or shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Powerful weapons.
  • Skirmisher: one free round of attacks before battle starts.
Firepower >> 10.95
AT#  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200

Hyperion-Class Mk II Strategic Bomber

Designed for a single purpose, the Excalibur-Class missile frigate is a pure skirmisher. Emphasizing speed and offence with the single-minded goal of getting in the first shot, not even a scrap of design afterthought has gone into defence.

Bristling with weapons on a skeletal frame, the Excalibur is little more than a powerful jump drive strapped to weapon launchers and magazines.

Packing a punch far above its weight class, several batteries of long range stand-off weapons give it a formidable first-strike capability in any engagement. Once the first salvo is away the ship is almost entirely defenceless, dependent on fleet pickets to keep it alive long enough to make subsequent salvos.

Excalibur crew tend to be very young or very old. Veterans of more than one engagement are rarer than water on dune. Huzzah!


  • Fast interstellar speed.
  • Zero hull plating or shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Powerful weapons.
  • Skirmisher: one free round of attacks before battle starts.
Firepower >> 10.95
AT#  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200