Brain Bug

Elusive and cunning, no one who is not a bug has ever seen what a Brain Bug looks like in the flesh. At present the only image outside forces can associate with the Brain is that of its ship. The Brain flagship, however, cuts a distinctive silhouette, as seen by many victims of the dreaded bug swarm that invariably travels with and surrounds the Brain wherever it goes.

When 100+  Bug Warriors are present at the same system with a friendly Brain Bug each Warrior gets one additional swarm attack. Additional swarm attacks increase by +1 per every full 100 warriors present, up to a maximum of +5 attacks when 500+ warriors are present with a Brain at the same system. It is perhaps the worst kept military secret that destroying the Brain flagship will remove this special ability, thus cripple the swarm.

Of course, penetrating the swarm to get to the Brain is exactly the trick. Defeating a Bug Swarm has only been accomplished on one recorded occasion by a cadre of genetically enhanced commanders trained from childhood for the task.

Only Bug empires may build Brains, though they can be sold or sent as tribute servants to other empires. A Bug empire may produce Bug Brains on any system they control without the need for a Production Facility, thus Non-Bug empires may never own or capture Bug Brain production facilities.    

  • Ultra-fast interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 1000 fabrication module weeks
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 1000 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 75

Bug Queen

The fourth and final model in the line of mechas produced by the Trans-Imperial Xeon Corporation, the MkIV is the ultimate pinacle of mobile warfare in the galaxy.

…almost twice as fast as the MkI, making it the fastest true capital in the galaxy. Rated as a medium capital, the MkII mounts heavy armour plating and formidable weaponry on an agile, long range strike platform.

capable of folding a staggering 180 light-years in a single Standard Cycle, the MkII suit is ideal for deep strike missions or mobile reserve on empire defence. The unit is so fast it has difficulty working in larger fleet formations. MkII pilots are infamous for leaving picket and support units behind, finding themselves cut off and over-extended deep in enemy territory.

  • Rated equally for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Ultra-fast interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 1000 fabrication module weeks
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 1000 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 75

Cube Drone

These shock troops are exclusively created by empires that are part of The Assimilated species, or have the “Join the Collective” species trait:

“After winning a battle this empire immediately spawns Cube Drones on the system equal to 15% of the Fabrication Modules destroyed in the battle.”

Assembled from the salvaged remains of Fabrication Modules destroyed as collateral damage during battle, useable wreckage is assimilated into the collective and spontaneously assemble into Cube Drones immediately after victory. This is the only way to create Cube Drones.

Fierce, light, rugged and single minded, the Cube Drone will follow commands without hesitation. Once created, these narrow-AI combat units make highly mobile fodder that can immediately mingle into the victorious battle force that spawned them, saving the need for invasion fleets to pause and replenish fodder supplies.

Each drone is heavily armoured and light-weight, able to absorb significant hits before critical loss of functionality, making them excellent fodder for screening capitals or other more vulnerable units.

  • Moderate hull plating.
  • Light weapons.
  • Rated equally for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Zero Interstellar Speed.
  • Very-Light Cargo Bulk.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 1000 fabrication module weeks
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 1000 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 75