Atlas MkI Scout Jaeger

Weighing in at only 30 tonnes, the scout Jaeger is equally optimized for combat inside a gravity well or around orbital installations. Putting the punch and resilience of a light capital into the size of a heavy fighter, it often takes the vanguard of surface invasion forces.

Lacking interstellar travel, the Atlas-class compensates with dense armament and compact design for easy lift and deployment. Yet most agree the best feature is the modular chassis, allowing easy retrofit to more powerful MkII-IV configurations.

So versatile is the design of the Atlas series that newly completed units are known to deploy in MkI  or MkII configurations, receiving retrofit upgrades while under fire defending forward positions.

  • Zero interstellar speed
  • Heavy hull plating and shields
  • Heavy weapons.
  • Zero cargo capacity.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Atlas MkII Heavy Jaeger

Following the adage “go big or go home,” the MkII designers just kept piling on. Heavy armour plating, high caliber projectile weapons and a square jaw give this jaeger something of a retro steam punk feel.

While the technology is of an older vintage, there is no arguing with the results of thick armour coupled with large-bore depleted isotope shells.

  • Rated equally for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Zero interstellar speed.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Very heavy hull plating.
  • Powerful weapons.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 1000 fabrication module weeks
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 1000 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 75

Atlas MkIII Assault Jaeger

Proving that bigger is not always better, the MkIII Assault Jaeger is a walking death machine of formidable firepower. Technically a step down in tonnage from the lumbering MkII, the MkIII relies on agility, miniturization, boosted reactor power, light-weight particle cannons and an upgraded AI to outperform the older models.

Favoured by freelance mercs, pirates and private security firms for its flexibility and unparalleled firepower-to-weight ratio, it is able to unleash a deluge of destruction that not even the pilot is able to fully control.

For this reason the MkIII is not recommended for use near industrial or civilian areas when it can be avoided.

  • Rated for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Zero interstellar speed.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Exceptional firepower.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 1000 fabrication module weeks
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 1000 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 75

Atlas MkIV Jaeger Juggernaut

While the land dreadnought may take the title as the largest and most heavily armoured surface weapon, the Jaeger Juggernaut mounts a devastating panoply of destruction unrivalled even by the mighty Goliath.

By sacrificing a single point of defensive shielding, the Atlas MkIV Jaeger Juggernaut sheds fully 2/3rd the weight and averages more than double the destructive output of the Goliath, making the Juggernaut the supreme utilization of drop ship lift capacity during any gravity well invasion. 

  • Rated equally for atmospheric or zero-G combat.
  • Ultra-fast interstellar speed.
  • Heavy hull plating and shields.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Above average weapons.
Firepower >> 21.6
AT#  >>  20
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 97
Speed >> 100 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkI Terran Destroyer:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Cost >> 400 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 100

Babylon-Class Orbital Station

6th in the Babylon line of orbital battle stations, it is often a system’s last, best hope for victory.

Armed with the galaxy’s largest and most powerful mass-driver rail gun, a Babylon station is able to launch a salvo of incandescent, high-velocity asteroids or depleted isotope projectiles at relativistic speeds, intercepting invading fleets even as they enter the system. Secondary weapons include particle cannon turrets and an obscene stockpile of mid- to long-range interceptor missiles.

The station is entirely without warp or impulse drives, having only positional and targeting thrusters. Intended for defence, the sheer size of the station makes it very difficult to deploy offensively. Any attempt to do so will require a small fleet of transports to tow the behemoth through hyperspace, then position it while under fire before the station is able to engage the enemy. Should a station ever be successfully deployed into orbit around a hostile world the mass driver could commit an apocalypse-grade atrocity in a matter of minutes.

Reinforced armour plating, multiple hulls, deployable PDC batteries and long range sensors make this battle station one of the most difficult targets in the galaxy to destroy, although black-market spies have been shopping plans that allege there is a subtle weak spot in the secondary exhaust port. Whatever its hidden weaknesses may be, there is no disputing the awesome firepower of this orbital battle station.

  • Zero interstellar speed.
  • Zero cargo capacity.
  • Extreme hull plating, armour and PDC.
  • Extreme firepower.

Firepower >> 36.47
#AT  >>  2038
Accuracy >> 70%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 98
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 0

Upgrade from Aegis-Class MkII Terran Battlecruiser:
Retrofit Rig Bandwidth >> 1000 fabrication module weeks
Retrofit Rig Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 1000 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 75

Goliath Land Dreadnought

The undisputed titan of gravity-well combat, the land dreadnought fields the ultimate in heavy armour currently mountable on a surface warfare unit.

With zero lift or interstellar mobility, this behemoth is all about staying power. Ideally suited for surface sieges, or equally formidable in zero-g combat involving orbital assets. Limited mobility means the Goliath dreadnought needs transport to and from battle, but once situated it will usually require an opposing heavy capital unit to take it down.

  • Zero interstellar speed
  • Zero cargo capacity
  • Ultra-heavy hull plating and reactive armour
  • Heavy weapons

Firepower >> 10.95
#AT  >>  12
Accuracy >> 50%
Collateral Damage >> 0
Defence >> 95
Speed >> 90 LYW (light-years/week)
Lift >> 120
Sensor Range >> 1 light-year
Bandwidth >> 450 fabrication modules
Max Queue >> 5
Production Facility Start-up Cost >> 600 Unobtanium
Base Price >> 200




A rough numeric composite of the unit’s combined offensive and defensive values according to a precise formula. On average, a unit with higher firepower will typically be better, but there are many circumstantial exceptions to this. Firepower is just a rough guide.


The number of attacks per round the unit gets. Each attack randomly targets a non-friendly unit present at the system.


The % chance each attack has of being on target and “hitting” the target, forcing the target to deflect the attack or be destroyed.


The number of production facilities destroyed by stray shots each attack.


The % chance that each on-target “hit” is deflected by the defender. Deflected “hits” are nullified to no effect. “Hits” that beat the Defence rating of the target destroy the target, no matter the size. Even the largest and most heavily protected units have vulnerabilities (watch out for those thermal exhaust ports.)

The Defence rating functions similar to “armour,” but is an abstract aggregate of all defensive measures combined, including armour, shields, evasion, camoflague, dodge, jamming, spoofing, point-defence, prescience and foul-language.


The number of Light Years a self-powered unit moves in a Standard Week.

Units with a zero Speed value have a negative Cargo Bulk value and must be carried to another star system by a fleet containing one or more units with a positive net Lift value.


The amount of Lift a unit requires to be transported from one star system to another. Cargo Bulk is always expressed as a negative number, while Lift is always expressed as a positive number.

A unit with Cargo Bulk has no Speed, and a unit with Speed has no Cargo Bulk.


Lift is the amount of Cargo Bulk a unit can carry while moving to another system within a fleet. A fleet’s net sum of Lift minus Cargo Bulk must be zero or positive for that fleet to leave the system.


Total production required to replicate the unit, expressed as weekly measures of Fabrication Moduel labour. A unit with 100 bandwith will require 100 Fabrication Moduels working for one week (one turn), or 50 Modules working two turns, or any combination of Modules working any combination of turns that add up to the required total.


A particular unit may only be replicated at a particular system if that system has set up a production facility for that unit. The cost listed is the one-time capital set-up cost, including training and infrastructure, necessary to enable replication of the unit in that system.

Production facility costs are borne by the particular system, are only required once, and once in place are considered permanently installed and may not be destroyed. Conquering a system captures all Production Facilities, which may immediately be used by the new controller.


This is the unobtanium price that the unit begins the game at. Current price each turn will fluctuate based on supply and demand pressure. Maximum (ceiling) and minimum (floor) prices for each unit are a function of the base price.


This is the maximum number of units that can be ordered in a system production queue at one time. An order for multiple units locks the price for all units in that order at the price at the time the order was locked, even if the market price of the unit fluctuates on subsequent turns before the full order is complete.


Sensors represent an abstract compliation of all passive and active intellligence gathering methods, augmented by advanced AI pattern detection algorithms. Sensors located at a system do the following:

  • Sensors detect the warp bubble of a fleet in flight if and only if the warp bubble is CBDR or CBIR (Constant Bearing Decreasing/Increasing Range) to or from the system the sensor is located at. Warp bubbles that are crossing targets are too faint to be detected by current technology.
  • Any fleets in flight within range to or from the system with the sensor will display the following information on the sensor report for each fleet within range: origin system, destination system, distance remaining.
  • Additional information, such as speed, may then potentially be deduced. No other information regarding the composition of the fleet is revealed.
  • Systems within range will be displayed on the empire galaxy map with a full report including ownership and a roster of units present, less any units with stealth.


If a unit has stealth it will be listed here. A unit with stealth will not be visible on the regular system display. Units with stealth in flight between systems need a warp bubble like any other unit, which can be detected by sensors normally. Sensors detect warp bubbles, not the ships directly, so stealth does not conceal interstellar movement since there is no way to conceal a warp bubble.